Monday, March 28, 2011

Teacher and slam poet Taylor Mali performing "What teachers make"

I came across this video from Aussie blogger, Eden Riley's Edenland and I'm thankful she shared this video because this poem performed on stage by Taylor Mali, who is, according to his site,, "one of the most well-known poets to have emerged from the poetry slam movement and one of the few people in the world to have no job other than that of poet."

Anyway, this pretty much shook me to my core, being a bum that I am right now, doing nothing except blog and maybe accept a few odd writing and editing jobs that kind friends throw at me, felt that I really have ignored my destiny.

I know I should teach. Again. I know I should, but then, at this point in my life, after all the disheartening experiences and encounters that I have had in my three years of teaching, I feel like I don't want to be in that place again. It is very sad because I want to teach again, but I just lack the heart.

 Taylor Mali, who is "a vocal advocate of teachers and the nobility of teaching," with his works such as "What teachers make," is an inspiration. My desire to teach wanes from time to time when I remember all those ugly experiences that I've had with bosses and colleagues who should have been the first persons to encourage you. But then I guess, I'll just have to take that leap of faith, as they say, and just keep that thing inside me, the real reason why I took up Education, burning.

God, please light the fire and keep it ablaze.

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