Sunday, March 4, 2012

Wake me, Supermoon

The moon has been and will always be one of my favorite things. Everytime I travel at night, like when I'd be late in going home from the city, the sight of the moon right outside the FilCab (commuter van service in our town) window makes my heart miss a beat. I can truly attest that the full moon indeed is force that stirs powerful desires from the hearts of women. It drove me to full blown impassioned writing in the middle of the night during high school. It inspired me to create poems about love found and lost. Staring at the moon transported my mind out my room and into the night.

Almost a year ago, on March 19, 2011, the moon came closest to the earth on its elliptical orbit and many lucky people, and luckier photographers, all over the world were able to witness, and capture (in the case of the photographers) Luna at her full grandeur.

I missed seeing this rare phenomenon last year although I remember seeing this on the news. Either that, or I read about it on Facebook. Anyway, March 19,  I knew I was out at Jesther's (one of my former creative writing students) 18th birthday party at El Dorado. A few days before, I guess you could say I was already feeling the supermoon's pull because I was out, or rather in(doors) with a werewolf.

And so since I missed blogging about this uber-duper-extra-supermoon, let me do so now. Hmm.. Come to think of it, this topic wasn't even included among the list of things I should have blogged about the past year. I also haven't really thought about the moon the way I once regarded it for a long, long time now and along with that lost devotion/belief went a bit of my ability to dream, my ability to soar into the unknown. So this post is just proper.

Enough of the intro, here's the actual body of my post-- ten of the 50 awe-inspiring pictures of the supermoon taken by amateur and professional photographers, as featured in

1. Williamstown, Australia

2. Upstate New York

3. Miami, Florida

4. Portugal

5. Athens, Greece


 6. The Netherlands

7. Mexico City


8. Colorado

9. Bangalore, India

10. Germany

These are my choicest picks of the 50 photographs featured. I hope they've re-inspired you as they did me. To view the rest of these amazing supermoon photos, click here.